Global Peace Index 2023: A World of Growing Unrest and Peaceful Havens

Global Peace Index 2023: A World of Growing Unrest and Peaceful Havens

The 2023 Global Peace Index, marking its 17th edition and crafted by the Institute for Economics and Peace, scrutinizes the state of peace in 163 states and territories, representing 99.7% of the global populace. Alarmingly, the study reveals a 0.42% dip in global peace, continuing a concerning trend seen 13 times over the last 15 years, indicative of mounting global unrest.

Nations Grappling with Peace Challenges

At the heart of the report are the nations most beleaguered by turmoil. For the eighth consecutive year, Afghanistan is deemed the least peaceful country globally. Following suit are countries like Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, all grappling with continuous conflict, political instability, and humanitarian crises.

The Ripple Effect of the Ukraine Conflict

The ongoing strife between Ukraine and Russia significantly impacts the world’s peace dynamics. Both nations have witnessed marked declines in their peace standings, with Russia experiencing a notably steep decline. In contrast, Europe, despite these issues, is noted for its relative tranquility, hosting seven of the ten most peaceful nations.

Other Countries with Peace Setbacks

Apart from the situation in Ukraine, other countries, including Haiti, Mali, and Israel, have observed significant drops in their peace rankings, as reported by the GPI.

Nations Epitomizing Peace

On a brighter note, Iceland is celebrated for its enduring position as the world’s most peaceful nation, a title it has proudly held since 2008. Alongside Iceland in the upper echelons of the index are Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, and Austria, all recognized for their effective governance, minimal conflict, and restrained militarization.

Peace Rankings of the UK and USA

The United Kingdom secures the 37th spot in the GPI, a slight decrease from its earlier ranking but still classified under a “high” peace rating. Contrarily, the United States is positioned much lower in the rankings, at 131st, with its “low” peace rating stemming from domestic security concerns, including criminality and homicide rates.

GPI’s Analytical Framework

The GPI employs 23 varied indicators to gauge peace, encompassing societal safety and security, the scope of domestic and international conflicts, and the extent of militarization. This approach offers an exhaustive perspective on the myriad factors that shape global peace and conflict.

Timing and Context of the Report

It’s pivotal to acknowledge that the GPI’s findings were collated prior to the intensification of the Israel-Hamas conflict and Iceland’s volcanic activities, elements that could potentially alter future peace assessments.


As a pivotal tool, the GPI provides critical insights into the intricate tapestry of global peace and conflict, aiding policymakers, scholars, and the general public. The diverse levels of peace across various nations underscore the unique challenges and triumphs in the pursuit of global harmony.
