Renewed Commitment to Normalisation in Kosovo and Serbia

Renewed Commitment to Normalisation in Kosovo and Serbia

Civil society organizations in Kosovo and Serbia have recently reaffirmed their dedication to normalizing relations across the region. This commitment aligns with Article 6 of the recent roadmap on normalization, emphasizing deepening cooperation in various sectors.

Tensions Following the September 24th Incident

The violent events of September 24th have significantly impacted relations within and between Kosovo and Serbia, exacerbating already deteriorating ties. This has led to increased tensions, fueled by divisive narratives from politics, media, and other sectors.

The Burden of Conflict and Insecurity

Communities in both Kosovo and Serbia are grappling with feelings of insecurity, each experiencing the crisis’s effects in distinct ways. The current situation revives memories of past conflicts, making it more challenging to address the crisis’s root causes.

The Cost of Crisis and Migration Trends

The crisis’s impact is increasingly visible, with reports of people leaving not only north Kosovo but the entire region. This exodus underscores the urgency of addressing the situation.

Understanding Community Experiences

There’s a pressing need to understand how different communities are experiencing these rapid changes in their daily lives. This understanding is crucial to mitigate negative impacts, salvage positive aspects, restore trust, and build confidence.

Building a Prosperous Future

Amidst doubts and hesitations about the future, civil society organizations emphasize the necessity of establishing firm foundations for a prosperous future. Despite challenges, they believe that few alternatives exist to this approach.

Reaffirming the Commitment to Peace

These organizations reiterate their commitment to peace and building a better future for Kosovo and Serbia, especially for future generations. They advocate for dialogue over armed conflict resolution, emphasizing the importance of patience and joint initiatives for societal transformation.

Confronting Conflict Narratives

It is vital to stand against narratives that generate conflict while remaining open to new communication channels and information sources. Despite setbacks, the commitment to this path remains steadfast.

A Call to Authorities and Civil Society

Civil society actors call on authorities at all levels to support building ties and cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia’s people, adhering to the recent normalization roadmap. They condemn conflict-generating language, especially when targeted at those striving to strengthen ties between the two regions.

Commitment to Trust and Inter-Communal Relations

The organizations are dedicated to restoring trust—in each other, in institutions, and in international partners. They aim to create an environment where inter-communal relations can flourish for the benefit of all in Serbia and Kosovo.
