Enhancing Conflict Sensitivity in Humanitarian Work: Lessons from Northern Mozambique

Enhancing Conflict Sensitivity in Humanitarian Work: Lessons from Northern Mozambique

The Peaceful Change initiative (PCi) has joined forces with WeWorld, an Italian humanitarian group, to enhance their work’s conflict sensitivity in Northern Mozambique.

Conflict Background in Cabo Delgado

Cabo Delgado, a region in Mozambique, has been embroiled in conflict since 2017. This unrest, largely due to Islamic extremist group militants, has led to significant violence and the displacement of many. The discovery of natural resources in the region, which has predominantly benefited the elite, has intensified local dissatisfaction.

The Complexities of Aid in Conflict Areas

Organizations like WeWorld have been actively providing essential aid in Cabo Delgado despite these adversities. Nonetheless, operating in such conflict-ridden zones poses the danger of unintentionally intensifying local tensions or the possibility of aid being redirected by armed factions or influential figures.

Conflict Sensitivity Approach

PCi’s approach involves helping organizations like WeWorld minimize harm and leverage opportunities to actively reduce tensions through their work. This has included developing a global Conflict Sensitivity Toolkit and supporting WeWorld’s team in understanding and managing conflict dynamics in Cabo Delgado.

Key Learnings from the Field

Local mobilizers, embedded within the communities, have been instrumental in helping WeWorld navigate and mitigate risks. Their deep understanding of local contexts and relationships has been critical for the project’s success.

Importance of Reflective Practice

Conflict sensitivity often focuses on technical tools, but it’s the joint reflection sessions that drive deeper analysis and adaptation of activities. These sessions are vital for teams to collectively understand and implement projects in a conflict-sensitive manner.

System-Wide Approach for Conflict Sensitivity

Effective conflict sensitivity requires involvement at all organizational levels, not just project teams. This includes project design, decision-making flexibility, donor commitment, and understanding from all departments, including procurement and communications.

Future Directions: Expanding the Conflict Sensitivity Work

The collaboration between PCi and WeWorld will extend to include teams in Kenya and Tanzania, focusing on an EU-funded project aimed at enhancing youth participation in peacebuilding in the Swahili Coast region. PCi remains committed to promoting and supporting conflict sensitivity in humanitarian efforts across Northern Mozambique and beyond.
