Pope to IDLO: Justice and Rule-of-Law Strengthen World Peace

Pope to IDLO: Justice and Rule-of-Law Strengthen World Peace

In a poignant message to the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) on its 40th anniversary, Pope Francis highlighted the critical role of laws and authorities in protecting human rights and fostering social justice. The Pope’s address to the Assembly of the Parties of IDLO in Rome underscored the significance of the rule of law in promoting a peaceful and sustainable future.

Upholding the Rule of Law in Crisis

Pope Francis stressed the importance of justice as a prerequisite for social harmony and universal fraternity, especially in today’s world where conflicts and challenges abound. He lamented the current state of global affairs, marked by increasing violence, climate change impacts, corruption, and inequality. The Pope firmly stated that these challenges do not justify any exceptions to the rule of law, which is fundamental to protecting human dignity.

Democracy and the Protection of Rights

The Pope voiced concern over an emerging erroneous conception of the person in democracies, leading to weakened protections and potential abuses. He called for the rule of law to be upheld by authorities irrespective of political interests, emphasizing that when based on universal values, it ensures access to justice and leads to more stable, prosperous societies.

Addressing Global Crises and Corruption

Highlighting the rule of law’s role in resolving global crises, Pope Francis pointed out its potential in renewing trust in public governance, combating inequalities, and fostering the protection of fundamental rights. He also addressed the climate crisis as a matter of international justice, urging holistic and equitable responses. Furthermore, the Pope underscored the need to combat corruption from an early age, promoting transparency and integrity.

Inclusion of the Marginalized

In his concluding remarks, Pope Francis stressed the necessity of reaching out to the poorest, marginalized, and vulnerable groups in society. He emphasized the importance of giving a voice to those who are often forgotten and excluded, highlighting the role of justice in creating a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

This message from Pope Francis to the IDLO reaffirms the Vatican’s commitment to supporting efforts that strengthen the rule of law, human rights, and social justice, paving the way for a more supportive and just global community.
