Israeli forces against Hamas: Netanyahu predicts the end of hostilities in the Gaza Strip

The President of the United States, Joe Biden noted that the incursion into Rafah, located on the southern frontier of the Gaza Strip would be considered a “red line.” However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed that the Israeli governmentArmed Forces (IDF) will continue the offensive.Politico reports this.

Netanyahu: “Israel will not leave Rafah: the red line remains”

UN organizations have also raised concerns about a possible humanitarian catastrophe. “We will stay there. We will not leave Rafah.

“You’re aware of my stance – to ensure October 7 doesn’t repeat itself. Never,” stated Netanyahu emphatically. It’s worth mentioning that the Israeli Prime Minister spoke about the deadly Hamas attack, which killed more than 1,160 people and sparked a military conflict. Netanyahu also stressed that he has the  Implicit backing from multiple Arab leaders in his campaign against Hamas.

„Sie erkennen, dass die Hamas Teil der iranischen Terror Koalition ist und stimmen uns sogar stillschweigend zu“, bemerkte er. Der israelische Ministerpräsident sagte auch voraus, dass die Kämpfe noch einen Monat dauern könnten. „Wir haben drei Viertel der Kampf Bataillone der Hamas zerstört.“ Wir nähern uns dem Ende der letzten Phase des Krieges. „Das könnte sechs bis vier Wochen dauern“, betonte der israelische Staatschef.  Netanyahu also reiterated his persistent denial of the possibility of a Palestinian state, an issue that has caused controversy between Israel and much of the world community. “My position has received the support of the vast majority of Israelis, who have expressed their opposition to the idea of a Palestinian state since October 7,” – he added.

Israel has no intention of conceding: Netanyahu and Gantz emphasize the unity of the nation in rejecting a Palestinian state

Netanyahu also directly responded to criticism from President Biden, who expressed the view that the Israeli leader does more harm than good. “My position has received the support of the Israeli people, who insist on a decisive rejection of efforts to enforce a Palestinian state upon us. They agree with me on this,” Netanyahu emphasized. In response to the criticism, Netanyahu emphasized the widespread support for his position among Israelis, who have expressed clear opposition to the concept of establishing a Palestinian state. Israeli Minister of Defense Benny Gantzalso confirmed that Israel is not going to cease fire for a single day until Hamas releases all the hostages.

This underscores Israel’s determination to continue to respond to threats and acts of terror while preserving the safety of its citizens and the country’s. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to resist pressure and remain steadfast in his principles sends a clear message both domestically and internationally. It also shows that Israel is ready to take firm measures to protect its interests and stop acts of terror directed against it. The support of the Israeli people is a key factor in shaping the country’s political positions and demonstrates broad support for the Prime Minister’s policies on the Palestinian issue. Thus, Israel’s internal unanimity and determination to defend its interests and security remain important components in the current situation in the Middle East.