Europeans Show Support for Ukraine’s EU Membership

Europeans Show Support for Ukraine's EU Membership

A recent poll across six European Union (EU) nations reveals a growing trend of Europeans favoring Ukraine’s inclusion into the EU. This insight emerges just before a crucial European Council summit, where EU expansion will likely be a key topic of discussion.

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) conducted this survey, uncovering significant support for the potential EU memberships of Ukraine and Moldova. Both nations achieved candidate status following Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Diverse Opinions Among EU Countries

Several EU member states, including Poland, Romania, France, and Austria, show strong support for Ukraine joining the EU. Nonetheless, in Austria and Germany, a notable proportion of the populace is against Ukraine’s EU membership.
Opposition to Ukraine’s EU membership often stems from concerns about the economic and security consequences of integrating a country still embroiled in conflict.

Comparison with Other EU Candidates

The survey also brings into focus the different reception of other EU membership hopefuls. Turkey, for instance, has faced challenges in its EU accession due to issues related to democracy and the rule of law.
While Ukraine and Moldova enjoy considerable support, the stance on other aspirants like Georgia and certain Balkan states, including Montenegro, shows more variation.
Newer members of the EU appear more receptive to the idea of further expansion than older member states, as suggested by the survey.

The Role of the European Council

These survey results are significant as the European Council is set to meet in Brussels to debate EU expansion. The council will consider the European Commission’s recommendation to start formal talks with Ukraine and Moldova.

Anticipated Obstacles

Despite the growing backing for Ukraine’s EU bid, challenges loom. For instance, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has expressed reluctance to commence negotiations with Kyiv, potentially complicating the process.

Advice for EU Decision-Makers

The authors of the report advise EU leaders to use the upcoming summit to define clear timelines for accession talks for all candidate countries. They also recommend proposing comprehensive institutional reforms to tackle public skepticism about the EU’s enlargement.

The outcome of the EU summit is eagerly awaited, as it holds significant implications for Ukraine and other nations aspiring to join the EU.
